News and Events
Safety TipsOur insurance agency asked that we remind all homeowners:
SupervisionAll children must be supervised while in the community. Cyclists must wear protective headgear as defined by law. Sidewalks are limited to pedestrian traffic only. Skate boarding/hover boards, scooters, razor scooters within the community are not allowed Maintenance TipsA few tips that may make your life more enjoyable and prevent expensive repair bills: 1. Replace your washing machine hoses at least every 5 years. 2. Replace the angle stops (shut off valves) on your sinks and toilets at least every 5 years. 3. Drain your hot water heater once a year and check for signs of failure:
4. When using your garbage disposal, follow recommended tips:
5. Do NOT put any grease or fat in your drains as these can easily clog your pipes. Wipe off any cooking utensils with paper towels and put the paper towels in your organic waste. 6. Turn off the main water valve just inside your garage when going out of town to prevent unexpected leaks. 7.
Check the
water pressure at your garage entry. As
units get older, the pressure regulator can fail, leading to water pressure too
high, which can lead to messy, inconvenient and expensive water leaks inside
your home. A couple plumbers recommended by owners here are:
Most homeowners insurance won't cover water leaks that are due to lack of maintenance so a few simple tips can help you prevent damage to your home or neighbors. 8. Dryer vents and dry ducts need periodic cleaning. If not cleaned regularly, the trapped lint is combustible and can cause a fire. Two companies that have been used by owners recently are:
9. If you have work done in your attic for any reason, make sure the workers know that there may be water lines there and/or fire sprinkler lines there. If damaged, those lines can cause significant water damage very quickly. No SmokingThis community is a No Smoking Community. If you want to smoke, you will need to go outside of the community to do so. Trash Can RemovalTrash, trash receptacles, trash cans or bags are not allowed in the common area prior to 6:00 p.m. the night before the scheduled weekly trash pickup and/or should be taken inside by the end of the trash pickup day. ParkingEach residence has two reserved parking spaces - either two in the garage, or one in the garage and one space reserved outside.
See separate parking page for detailed parking rules. PetsPets
must be on lease at all times and under control of the owner when in the common
area. Dogs
must be licensed by the county. Contrary
to popular belief, pet waste is not good fertilizer for the environment.
In fact, animal waste can contain several types of pollutants such as
bacteria, pathogens and others that are harmful to humans.
With the rainfall or landscape irrigation, pet waste left on lawns,
slopes and planter areas can wash into storm drains and then flow directly into
the creeks, lakes and beaches with potential of doing harm to human health.
Fines may be assessed, and the fines can range anywhere from $50 to $200
per occurrence. We also encourage
all off-site owners to make sure their tenants are following the rules of the
association and picking up after their pets.
be courteous to your neighbors by not leaving your pet waste in Association
common areas. Please ensure that you
pick up after your pets immediately and dispose of waste properly.
Pet owners are responsible for providing their own pet waste bags.
The pet waste bags provided in the common areas are a courtesy and should
not be your only source. See the News and Events page for older news and updates.